# Adding Parameters

Navigate to you chosen asset in the asset hierarch and click on the 'Add Parameter' button on the top right of the screen.

Adding Parameters from hierarchy

Next, you should be able to select the parameters you want from the drop down list. If there is a parameter you want, but can't see for that asset, put in a parameter request here (opens new window).

You can select multiple parameters to assign to the selected asset.

Adding Parameters through the parameter wizard

You can either click on 'Next' to add values and metadata to the parameters or skip straight to creating empty parameters through clicking on 'Finish'. This tutorial will proceed through all of the steps.

Adding Parameters from hierarchy

After clicking 'Next', you can add values to each of the parameters. You can add values, units and assign a source.

Note that the partially filled icon illustrates the level of quality assurance on this parameter.

Adding values to Parameters through the parameter wizard

# Adding a Source

If you want to add a new source, you can click on the 'Add new source' button on the top left. On this menu, you will be able to create a new source with the required title, reference, type and date.

Adding a new source

You can then add this source to your parameters.
Adding a new source to a parameter

# Adding Tags

Next, we can add tags to your parameters. Tags are useful metadata. Type into the search bars and select tags and discaplines. If there are tags that would be beneficial for your project, please contact the DDB team about implementing them.

Adding tags to parameters Click 'Add' and then 'next'. Finally, you will be able to confirm the parameters you would like to add. If you are happy, click 'Submit'. If not, click on 'Back' and change any wrong information.

Adding tags to parameters

Once you have added your parameters, you will be able to see your newly added parameters and values in the parameter list.

Adding Parameters from hierarchy

Last Updated: 21/06/2024, 11:34:44