# DDB Typescript/Javascript Client

Full documentation of the ddb-js typescript package, which simplifies access to the DDB API using typescript.

Note for external users - many of the links in the following section refer to internal applications. Please speak to your project team for support.

# Prerequisites

You'll need the software below installed on your environment

  • NodeJS v16.x+
  • npm v8.x+

see how to download these packages here (opens new window)

# Authenticate to the Azure npm registry

ddb-js packages are hosted on the (private) Azure npm package registry. In order to install it you must authenticate, see below options below.

# Windows

To use npm packages, get npm (which comes with Node.js) and the vsts-npm-auth helper.

Step 1

Install the Prerequisites

Step 2

Run this command

npm install -g vsts-npm-auth --registry https://registry.npmjs.com --always-auth false

Step 3

Add a .npmrc to your project, in the same directory as your package.json



Then, run vsts-npm-auth to get an Azure Artifacts token added to your user-level .npmrc file.

vsts-npm-auth -config .npmrc

Note: You don't need to do this every time. npm will give you a 401 Unauthorized error when you need to run it again. Having issues? See the instructions for using a Personal Access Token to authenticate.

# Others

Step 1

Install the Prerequisites

Step 2

Add a .npmrc to your project, in the same directory as your package.json



Step 3

Copy the code below to your user .npmrc (~/.npmrc).

; begin auth token
; end auth token

Step 4

Generate a Personal Access Token (opens new window) with Packaging read & write scopes.

Step 5

Base64 encode the personal access token from Step 4.

One safe and secure method of Base64 encoding a string is to:

From a command/shell prompt run:

node -e "require('readline') .createInterface({input:process.stdin,output:process.stdout,historySize:0}) .question('PAT> ',p => { b64=Buffer.from(p.trim()).toString('base64');console.log(b64);process.exit(); })"

Paste your personal access token value and press Enter/Return Copy the Base64 encoded value

Step 6

Replace both BASE64_ENCODED_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN values in your user .npmrc file with your personal access token from Step 5.

Replace both [EMAIL] values in your user .npmrc file with your email.

# Installation

After authenticating as described above @ddb packages can be installed via npm. All microservices can be installed separately

npm install @ddb/comments-service
npm install @ddb/environment-context-service
npm install @ddb/parameter-metadata-service
npm install @ddb/parameter-service
npm install @ddb/qa-service
npm install @ddb/reference-data-service
npm install @ddb/user-service

# Step by Step Guide

# Configuartion

This exmaple is for @ddb/comments-service

import { CommentsApi, Configuration, Environment } from "@ddb/comments-service";

// created a new configuration class
const config = new Configuration()

// specify the required environment, the default is production if the basepath isnt set
config.basePath = Environment.sandbox

// pass in the access token, note only pass in the accessToken, it will prefix with 'Bearer'
config.accessToken = 'token'

// Initialise the new class, with the config
const commentsAPI = new CommentsApi(config)

# Using the API

All methods are initiated on the class, and exmaple of how to call them are below

const comments = await commentsAPI.getComments()

Refer to the typescript interfaces to understand the parameters, required in the request, and also the responses back from the function.

Note: If you have IntelliSense installed youll be directed

# Developer Information

The repository is located here (opens new window). See how to contribute (opens new window).

Last Updated: 21/06/2024, 11:34:44