# What types of connectors does DDB have?

In addition to the user interface, DDB has several Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

An API is a standardised way to access DDB's data without going through the user interface which is useful as it allows users to connect to the data from multiple applications and make their own interfaces.

# Core Connectors

Currently, our core integrations include:

  • Automated Reporting: Hotdocs and K2 can be used to automate reports utilising a Microsoft Word template if the necessary inputs are stored in DDB.
  • Grasshopper: A visual programming component of the Rhino parametric modelling tool which can push and pull data to and from DDB. Grasshopper can be linked to Total Design Automation (TDA), Speckle and Arup Compute as well as being used for modelling.
  • Python 🐍: Python is a coding language that can be used to automate processes. A library called pyddb has been developed to simplify interacting with DDB.
  • Power BI: Power BI is a visualisation tool used to present project insights. It can be used to analyse a single project or compare values across multiple projects.
  • CAD Tools (opens new window): The DDB Link tool bridges the gap between modelling software (MicroStation) and DDB, allowing data to be pushed and pulled to and from DDB.

Interested in learning more about the connectors? Sign up for our Digital Disruption Course (opens new window).

# Other Integrations

Other tools that DDB can be used with include:

  • Arup Compute/DesignCheck (opens new window): A library of calculations that can be referenced throughout Arup's tools. Input data held in DDB can be used in calculations to generate additional data that can then be added back to DDB.
  • Speckle (opens new window): A system used to transfer model data from one platform or program (such as Revit) to another, reducing the time spent rebuilding the same model in different environments. These 'streams' of data can be sent to DDB to be stored.

For more information and examples, head over to our Sharepoint site (opens new window) or Yammer group (opens new window).

Last Updated: 21/06/2024, 11:34:44