# Migration to v2

This guide explains how to migrate from v1 to v2, for the affected microservices.

# Changes across the services

# Querying for deleted items

GET endpoints that allow return of deleted items now have the following queries available:

  • show_active - a boolean flag (default true) to return non-deleted (i.e. active) items in the response body
  • show_deleted - a boolean flag (default false) to return deleted items in the response body.

By default, active items will be returned only.

To return deleted items only, request with show_deleted value true and show_active value false.

To return both active and deleted items, request with show_deleted value true.

Note: some endpoints contain the show_deleted query only, but the behaviour is the same.

# Comments Service

Please use these migration notes to help switch from v1 of the comments-service-api to v2. This document should detail all the changes across the versions.

# Deprecated Endpoints

Please note that all endpoints in v1 of this API are deprecated so users must upgrade to the next available version as soon as possible

# Changes across endpoints

Please see below for the changes to each endpoint. This is structured in a similar way to the API documentation (opens new window) for ease of use.

Note: not all endpoints have had changes.

# Comments

# GET /comments

  • The comment_id query now accepts multiple ids in an array, allowing users to filter for multiple comments at once.

# POST /comments

  • This endpoint now accepts an array of comment objects in the request body, allowing users to post multiple comments at once:
    + [
            reference_id: "79b577e3-f11e-4b7e-b91d-65c501a0926d",
            reference_table: "assets",
            reference_url: "http://testapi.com/api/assets",
            content: "Test comment"
    + ]

# Reference Data Service

Please use these migration notes to help switch from v1 of the reference-data-service-api to v2. This document should detail all the changes across the versions.

# Deprecated Endpoints

Please note that all endpoints in v1 of this API are deprecated so users must upgrade to the next available version as soon as possible

# Changes across endpoints

Please see below for the changes to each endpoint. This is structured in a similar way to the API documentation (opens new window) for ease of use.

Note: not all endpoints have had changes.

# Source Types

# GET /source_types

  • The show_deleted query logic has been updated. Please see above section for more information.

# Sources

# GET /sources

  • The show_deleted query logic has been updated. Please see above section for more information.

# QA Service

Please use these migration notes to help switch from v1 of the qa-data-service-api to v2. This document should detail all the changes across the versions.

# Deprecated Endpoints

Please note that all endpoints in v1 of this API are deprecated so users must upgrade to the next available version as soon as possible

# Changes across endpoints

Please see below for the changes to each endpoint. This is structured in a similar way to the API documentation (opens new window) for ease of use.

# Records

# POST /records

  • This endpoint has been updated to accept an array of records in the request body. This allows users to post multiple new records at once:
    + [
            "type_id": "f3f25a90-5caa-459a-ab8b-ab0a4dc20e42",
            "reference_id": "79b577e3-f11e-4b7e-b91d-65c501a0926d",
            "reference_table": "assets",
            "reference_url": "http://testapi.com/api/assets"
    + ]

# Environment Context Service

Please use these migration notes to help switch from v1 of the comments-service-api to v2. This document should detail all the changes across the versions.

# Deprecated Endpoints

Please note that all endpoints in v1 of this API are deprecated so users must upgrade to the next available version as soon as possible

# Changes across endpoints

Please see below for the changes to each endpoint. This is structured in a similar way to the API documentation (opens new window) for ease of use.

The main changes come from the API switch, we are now using ADS (ARUP Data Service) rather than CDS (Corporate Data Service)

Note: not all endpoints have had changes.

# Projects

# GET /projects & /ads/projects

  • The response keys have changed
"projects": [
    "centre_code": "509",
    "confidential": false,
-   "job_name_short": "V & A MUSEUM, DUNDEE",
+   "short_title": "V & A MUSEUM, DUNDEE",
-   "job_number": "216899",
-   "job_suffix": "00",
-   "project_code": "21689900",
+   "project_number": "21689900",
-   "organisation_name": "KENGO KUMA & ASSOCIATES",
+   "client_organisation_name": "KENGO KUMA & ASSOCIATES",
    "number": "21689900",
    "project_director_email": "[email protected]",
    "project_director_name": "User Name",
    "project_id": "ca1e89a5-780d-4dc9-96e9-41f3c7aaa810",
    "project_manager_email": "[email protected]",
    "project_manager_name": "User Name",
    "project_url": "http://projects.intranet.arup.com/?layout=projects.proj.view&jp=OA&jn=26190800",
    "scope_of_works": "A new waterfront museum for Dundee City Council"

# GET, PATCH /projects/{id} & POST /projects

  • The response keys have changed
"project": {
    "centre_code": "509",
    "confidential": false,
-   "job_name_short": "V & A MUSEUM, DUNDEE",
+   "short_title": "V & A MUSEUM, DUNDEE",
-   "job_number": "216899",
-   "job_suffix": "00",
-   "project_code": "21689900",
+   "project_number": "21689900",
-   "organisation_name": "KENGO KUMA & ASSOCIATES",
+   "client_organisation_name": "KENGO KUMA & ASSOCIATES",
    "project_director_email": "[email protected]",
    "project_director_name": "User Name",
    "project_id": "ca1e89a5-780d-4dc9-96e9-41f3c7aaa810",
    "project_manager_email": "[email protected]",
    "project_manager_name": "User Name",
    "project_url": "http://projects.intranet.arup.com/?layout=projects.proj.view&jp=OA&jn=26190800",
    "scope_of_works": "A new waterfront museum for Dundee City Council."
    "created_at": "2019-05-10T13:45:08.000Z",
    "updated_at": "2019-05-10T13:45:08.000Z",
    "deleted_at": "2019-05-10T13:45:08.000Z"

# Countries

# GET /countries

  • The response keys have changed
  "countries": [
      "country_class": "A",
      "country_code": "C163",
      "country_id": "64fde841-4950-e711-8104-005056b57459",
      "country_name": "Northern Ireland",
      "iso_code": "GB",
      "iso_country_name": "United Kingdom",
-     "iso_formal_country_name": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",
+     "iso_formal_name": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",
      "region": {
        "region_code": "B04",
        "region_id": "9c54bb0d-4950-e711-8104-005056b57459",
        "region_name": "UKIMEA Region",
-       "arup_region_level": 1,
-       "company_code": C01,

# Regions

# GET /regions

  • The response keys have changed
  "regions": [
      "region_code": "B04",
      "region_id": "9c54bb0d-4950-e711-8104-005056b57459",
      "region_name": "UKIMEA Region",
-     "arup_region_level": 1,
-     "company_code": C01,
Last Updated: 21/06/2024, 11:34:44